January 15,2007 @ 7:15am we were blessed with our first born Isaiah King Ezekiel Vea(aka ZEE) weighing at 7lbs 11oz 21.5 inches tall. Oh boy I thought I was going to die,being in labor for 27 hours and finally having to have a c-section. I was terrified at first, but it was my son or myself. I am truly blessed to have Zee in my life. I know that he was brought into my life for a purpose. Everyday he teaches me something new. He is a lil smarty pants. Can I just say I had it easy with potty training Zee because literally my parents did all the work lol. Zee has a personality that is just so cute,funny and different. He is always asking to go to school, and one of my many tricks into getting him to bed is telling him that lil boys that go to school goes to sleep early... One thing that I am doing with Zee is I am always talking to him in tongan, or when Im just saying something is tongan he is always asking me what does that mean. So funny and he pronounces the words really good but at the same time funny. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to live in tonga and learn the language so I am going to give my kids the same opportunity and teach them. I love being a mother. I never for once thought that I was going to be a mom at such young age. I do not regret any of it at all for I am thankful to be the mother to Zee. Zee is really a picky eater. He is really skinny. When he was a baby he was such a lil fatty. When he turned 2 years old hestarted stretching but getting skinny also. I was worried so every doc appointment I would ask and I get the same response all the time. That he is above average height so he weights is good. He eats very little but a lot through out the day. He is such a good brother to his lil brother 'One. He is always willing to help 'One with everything. Well of course there are times when 'One steps up and Zee is always trying to avoid bby One but cannot for a reason lol. Its always funny when I catch Zee hit his lil brother. I always have to sit him down and ask him why? and his response is always because he's BUGGING me lol. I love my Zee and grateful to be his mommy
December 16,2009 I was blessed with my second born Sione'one Julian Vea @6:08am weighing at 7lbs 6oz 20.5 inches long. I thought I almost died when I was in labor with my first,oh boy with baby 'One I was trying to have a V-Back and when I was in labor for 3 days...holly cow. At the end I ended up having another c-section. This lil boy is the total opposite of my oldest. He is just a lil matengata'a(die hard) His appetite is just off the hook lol. He has such a different personality andit just cracks me up. He is 1 years old acting like a 5 year old lol. I'm truly blessed to have him choose me as his mother. He loves to eat and always wants to play with his older brother. Everything Zee does he has to do as well. It just amazes me how 2 lil spirits come from me and are just the opposite. Im still learning all his different characters and how he is. He always wants to be where ever his older brother is. When e cant find his older brother he just gets all sad calling GEEEE GEEEE so darn cute. I love my ONE and grateful to be his mommy! And if you notice their baby pictures are pretty much identical. The funny thing is my sister in-law took both pictures and they are both 5 months old on the picture. She didn't even plan it but it happened. They are 2 years and 11 months apart.
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